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Questions About Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

Questions About Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

In the inner part of the tooth, there are small vessels and nerves (pulp tissue), which are important in the nutrition and protection of dental tissues. The pulp starts from the crown part of the tooth and progresses to the root tip. The branch of science that deals with the treatment of diseases arising from these tissues is "endodontics".

What is root canal treatment?

In the inner part of the tooth, there are small vessels and nerves (pulp tissue), which are important in the nutrition and protection of dental tissues. In cases where these tissues are damaged, the pulp tissue is removed with the help of small hand tools, this space inside the tooth is cleaned and filled with some healthy root filling materials in a sealed way. This process, which aims to keep the tooth in the mouth without the need for extraction, is called 'Canal Treatment'.

What happens if the required root canal treatment is not performed?

In the inner part of the tooth, there are small vessels and nerves (pulp tissue), which are important in the nutrition and protection of dental tissues. Nerve tissue of a tooth, namely pulp, caries, trauma, etc. When it is damaged for reasons, it breaks down and bacteria multiply in this space. Root canal treatment should be performed before this stage progresses. Bacteria multiplying can lead to infection or abscess. If left untreated, it can lead to bone loss, loosening of the teeth and loss of teeth along with the increase in inflammation in the tooth roots.

Do teeth that have undergone root canal treatment change color and can the resulting discoloration be removed?

Teeth may become brown, pink, or gray as a result of trauma or root canal treatment. If the cause of the discoloration is trauma, root canal treatment is performed first; Then the whitening process is applied. If the discoloration has occurred after root canal treatment, first x-ray is taken and it is decided whether the root canal treatment will be repeated. If there is no problem in root canal treatment; By performing intracanal bleaching on the discolored tooth, the tooth can regain its former whiteness.

When is root canal treatment done?

Root canal treatment is performed in cases of tooth discoloration, extreme sensitivity to cold or heat, pain that starts spontaneously, especially at night, and swelling due to facial abscess, and in cases where the tooth nerve is damaged as a result of some traumas.

What should be considered after root canal treatment?

After the root canal treatment is completed, care should be taken not to chew on that tooth until the top filling of the tooth is done. Sticky foods such as chewing gum and Turkish delight should be avoided. However, brushing and cleaning in this area should be continued with care. After the filling is completed, this tooth will participate in the chewing process like other teeth in the mouth. During this period, your dentist can prevent excessive load on the tooth by abrading the chewing surface so that your tooth does not break.

When is root canal treatment required?

In case of a new blow to the tooth after root canal treatment, fracture of the upper filling or a deep fracture or crack, or if the old root canal treatment is insufficient, a re-infection may develop in the tooth. In this case, if the treatment can be renewed, the root canal treatment is repeated and the tooth is tried to be kept in the mouth for a longer time.

How long does the root canal treated tooth stay in the mouth?

After a successful and adequate root canal treatment, the tooth should be able to function in a healthy and long-lasting way, just like other teeth in the mouth, as long as it is not traumatized, broken or cracked.

Does root canal treated tooth hurt?

Root canal treatment is a procedure often performed to relieve pain caused by inflammation. In the root canal treatment process, the nerve tissue that we call the 'pulp' that receives the stimuli from the tooth will be removed from the tooth, so complaints such as cold and hot sensitivity should not occur in the tooth after the root canal treatment is completed. Although it is normal to feel sensitivity or discomfort in the relevant area for a short time after root canal treatment, it will be healthy to see the dentist again in long-term complaints.

Can I return to work after root canal treatment?

Root canal treatment is a procedure in which only the relevant area is anesthetized with local anesthesia. After the procedure, the patient can return to his daily routine activities, except that he pays attention not to bite his tongue and cheek until the numbness is relieved due to anesthesia. However, in some cases; For example, facial swelling, abscess, trauma, severe pain, etc. before root canal treatment. If there are cases, these complaints may not go away immediately after root canal treatment. During this time, the patient may need to rest.

What are the benefits of root canal treatment?

Due to the inflammation in the pulp tissue, very severe pain or lesions at the root tip may develop and this may cause the loss of teeth. Root canal treatment ensures that these teeth are kept in the mouth and function in the mouth for many years in terms of chewing and aesthetics. It is a mostly preferred method because it can be applied easily as a treatment and can be performed without causing great discomfort to the patient.

It is a great advantage that it is a much more economical treatment method compared to the bridge or implant treatment that may be needed after the loss of the untreated tooth. For this reason, it would be a huge mistake to consider the extraction of a tooth before the chance of treatment is tried.



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